Wednesday 5 May 2010


Bullying is something that is generally percieved to occur within schools and amongst young people. However, in actuallity, bullying is something that happens within all social and proffesional situations, and within most age groups. It is true that bullying does happen a lot within schools, however, it is also common for froms of bullying to occur within the work place and amongst adults. Everyone will agree that bullying is wrong! To single out one person, becuase something of theirs is not quite like your's, is not only wrong though, but irrational! Ultimatley, just because the situation you are in may percieve you to be 'normal' does not make it so! If you think about it, chances are in another situation later in life you could be the one who is not 'normal' because ultimatley no one actually is pefect for every group, society or situaion! And if one thinks about that, I am sure most would think twice before making any nasty comment to anyone!
Below is a link for childline, for children affected by bullying:

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Response to Ahsan's blog

I agree with your points about stealing! Living in the materialistic society that we do, people often do steal to just help themselves! Obviously this is morally wrong. I do however agree with your point though that stealing can be justified if it is a matter of desperation and need. On the whole stealing is not right, on any scale it is wrong to take something that is not yours, however if it is a matter of desperation eg starvation, there really is no option but to steal!

Response to Ameena's blog

I have to say Ameena that although I enjoyed reading your blog, I think the term 'disgusting' is a little harsh! Tatoo's in excess or body modification such as piercing can be over bearing to say the least! I agree with your idea that tatoo's can look quite creepy at times! Everything in moderation is the way to go I think!

Response to Mewish's blog

I agree that prostitution is morally, completley wrong! To sell your body for sex and say you have no other option is just a cop out! There are a hundred jobs even the most unskilled people could do instead of prostitution, so there is no excuse. In short, Mewish, I agree with what your saying in this blog!

Response to Aruge's blog on comedians

Once again Aruge I agree with you! Comedians who make 'racist' jokes do it to be funny, after all that is their proffesion. They do not do it to be nasty or actually prejudice, so leave them to it! as long as you are aware they are just jokes, its fine to laugh; infact sometimes it is hard not to! So, like Auge, I salute the comedians who dare to risk it...Carry on joking!

Saturday 1 May 2010


Whether it be buying a lottery scratch card, playing a friendly game of poker with friends or places a bet on the horse races, we see gambling everywhere. Now most people, will not even consider gambling as 'bad' behaviour. But, in my opinion, which you may or may not have noticed can be quite 'old-fashioned', I think something that can cause addiction is not just 'bad' but wrong! Anyone can get invloved with gambling, like previously stating it can start with just buying a scratch card with your cigerettes, but like any other addiction can spiral out of control, until you're left bankrupt! Now I understand that was quite a big leap, but my point is that why would you do something that could even just potentially ruin your life! And my arguement against gambling does not just end at the potential of addiction, but just how irrational the idea of gambling actually is. Looking at the example of lottery tickets, what is the chance of actually winning the lottery....14000000 to 1!!!! Now, if everyone has even just a £1 to spare every week for the lottery that you just are not going to win, why not save it and buy something usefull! At least that way you are guaranteed to gain at the end of it! So, basically, gambling is a waste of money and effort!
Below is a link for an online gambling site, if you want to disregard everything I have just written about:

Friday 30 April 2010

Response to Sangeetha's Blog

I think writing a blog about prank calls was a very interesting subject, and not one many people would have thought of! Its true, all of us have been involved with prank calls before. I also agree, that it can be ver, very funny! However, as i get a little older and wiser (don't know how much wiser though...) i do think that a line should be drawn. If someone is pranking someone they know as a harmless joke fair enough, but just pranking random people endlessly is unnecasery and just wrong!

Response to Aruge's blog

I totally agree with this blog Aruge. What i especially think is a good point is that about how men and women are judged differently for commiting the same act i.e. infideltiy. Like you, think it is wrong that men and women are judged differently in this matter, because ultimatley adultery is a dultery no matter who commits it!


Whether you're black, asian, white or anything else, you will have been in a situation involving racism. Whether that be watching a television show that tried to tackle the issue or you have been directly involved as a victim or a culprit. Ultimately, we have been socalised and taught in this partcular society that racism, of any kind, is wrong! To judge a person because of the colour of their skin or ethnic background is wrong. I am well aware that this fact has probably been said to you a thousand times before, and the vast majority of people (if anyone at all even reads this) would never think to call anyone a racist name anyway. But for those who do, let me paint you a picture. A good friend of mine was once walking down the road that we have lived on al our lives, and some biggoted person decided to wind the window down of ther car and shout 'paki' and through an egg at her!!! Now, me and ths particluar friend can laugh at this, but at the time it was a really shocking experiance! But technically all people have a ethnicity, so if that person went to pakistan for example, where they were then the minority, would it be okay for the majority pakstani's to treat them in that way? Well no, ofcourse not! My point is basically that we are all the minority race somewhere in the world. And who knows, maybe one day you'll end up there, so if you would not condone it if it happened to you, please dont condone it in any other situaton!
Below is a link for a website to a campaign which aims to eliminate racism, through music:

Thursday 29 April 2010

Wearing the Veil

The veil, or Niqaab, is probably one of the most contraversial subjects in this society in terms of womens rights. Many people, have argued that the Niqaab is a symbol of oppression and a means for muslim men to oppress and control the sexuality of muslim women! Amongst these protestors against the viel, is most famously, Cherry Blair, wife of the former prime-minister Tony Blair. However, to all those people who want to argue about and judge muslim women as oppressd, all I have to say is that if you want to find an oppressed women, look a little closer to home! Is a women oppressed because she wants to be heard for her mind and intellect and not just used as something to be stared at because of her beauty and body? Was it not the rights for a women not just to be an object of physical desire that women campaigned so endlessly for in this very country nearly a hundred years ago! So why then has this society reverted back to wanting women just to be seen and not heard. To be 'appreciated' for the physical instead of internal! And then why is that when a women wants to actively protest and cover herself up, so she is heard and not just seen, she is attacked, and seen as oppressed! Is it freedom for women to only be taken seriously when they are half nacked? Because I certainly dont think so! Ultimately, it is only when a women is covered and her sexuality hidden away that she will be taken seriosuly, as an academic and intellectual equal! So, in essence, what I am saying is not that everyone should wear a veil, ofcourse not, considering I dont even wear one myself! But just that we should remember the struggles that women went through in the past, so women could be heard and not just seen. And just have a little self respect and belief in themselves that they can use their minds not their bodies to acheive whatever they want in this world! And, dont judge people, for wanted to be heard and not seen!

Below is a link for an article about the veil ban in Belgium: which is a TOTAL violation of human rights!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Cosmetic Surgery

This may seem like quite a strange thing for me to write a blog about (and admittedly, I was struggling to find topics to discuss) but I think that although cosmetic surgery is accepted in society, it is still something that is seen as strange or even 'bad'. We have all seen women and men in the media who have obviously had plastic surgery. From Katie Price to Madonna, celebrities are constantly aiming to look perfect. This obsession with 'perfection' has filtered down to the masses now though. It is becoming more and more acceptable and normal for people to be getting cosmetic surgery done in the pursuit to look perfect. From tummy tucks to casual botox, people want to look better for longer and are willing to go under the knife to achieve this aim! But why? Why have we become so obsessed with the physical body? Why have we begun to think it more important to look good then maintain our health; as some of these operations, that people have done are seriously risky!!! Natural beauty has become unfashionable, whereas having a trout pout and perfectly perky cleavage at the age of 70 is now the norm! I am not saying there is anything neccaserily wrong with cosmetic surgery itself. But surely, we as a society, need to draw the line somewhere! And realise that the pursuit of perfection is a futile one, as perfection is NOT real. So, lets embrace our 'flaws' for what they really are; the things that make us human!!!
Below is a link for a medical group which offer cosmetic sugery procedures for anyone thinking of it, but I urge you; keep it simple!!!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Bad Comedians

Whether it be the racist humour of Chris Rock or the masojonistic jokes of Bernard Manning, all of us, at some point, have laughed at so called 'bad' comedians. Whether we like to admit it or not, jokes which do display prejudice and bigotry are, and certainly can be, very funny! No-one likes to admit that they are either racist, sexist or prejudice in anyway. And, in all fairness, most people living in this multi-cultural society are not. Nor is it the genuinly biggoted people which I want to talk about in this blog. My sole purpose to this blog, is to express my belief that to laugh at a prejudice joke does not neccaserily make you a biggoted person! I believe that all humans, by our very nature are just racially-aware. When we look at a person, what is the first thing we see....The colour of their skin. And automatically, whether we want them to or not, stereotypes are conjured up in our mind about that type of person! However, this does not make you a racist! It just makes you a product of your enviroment! Because in this society, there are certain stereotpes of different typres of people, everywhere we look. Whether that be television, films or advertisements. So, to then laugh at jokes about these certain types of people, does not and cannot make you a racist. It just simply plays upon the stereotpes and idea's we all have anyway! As long as a person knows that the humour is based on an often unrealistic stereotype and does not take it seriously, I think it is only normal to laugh at these jokes and comedians.
Below is a link for Chris Rock doing some of his funniest stand-up comedy:

Monday 26 April 2010

Nudity in the Media

Whether looking at films, television series, billboards or magazines nudity in British media is everywhere...From the half nacked women, 'dressed' in a bathing suit, on the front of a glossy magazine, to the man running around stark nacked in the Aero chocolate bar television advert, to, dare i say it, the images of 'glamour' models on page three of the Sun newspaper! The obsession we have with nudity is beyond me! Ultimatley there, in my mind, can only be two logical explainations to this exclusive obsession the British public have with nudity in the media. The first being, we have lost all hope of intellectual expression, and so have to revert to exploiting our physical bodies, instead of expressing ourselves using our brains! Or there is, and has been, a loss of all self-respect and self-worh in this society, for the physical body. Ultimatley if we as a nation feel it is needed or even acceptable to strip off and 'express' ourselves half nacked at any given chance, then what does that say about us as intellectual's and academics??? This obsession we have, in this country, the same country which has the highest levels of STI's and underage pregnancies, says so much about our so called 'great' nation! Why are we then so hung up on sex? When did sexuality replace intellegence and academic success and why is no one appreciating the fact that there must be some corellation between the sex-crazed media and the sociatal problems, such as underage pregnancies and STI's!!!! If the media is going to promote promiscuity as a healthy form of expression, then 'Great' Britain is going to continue down the road it is already on; i.e. that of a society where promiscuity is the norm and there is a TOTAL loss of all values, self-respect and intellectual expression!!!

Below is a link for the Sun newspaper's article on the story of Britain's youngest dad:

Friday 23 April 2010

Drinking alcohol

In Britain there is a generally accepted culture of drinking alcohol. It is very much the norm for people of all ages to drink alcohol and get drunk. It has become accepted for even under age people, who are legally not even allowed to drink, to drink and get drunk, which I feel is a huge issue, in Britain. If you have, which most people will have, been on the recieving end of the behaviour of a drunk person, you will know that it is not funny, nor entertaining to see or hear. Watching an anebriated women, stumble down a high street, with her top pulled up and skirt pulled down, singing the famous words of Gloria Gayna 'I will survive...' to me shows nothing but lack of self-control and discipline. It shows a lack of self-respect and self worth. And, quite frankly, represent too many people in Britain. You just need to look at the example of Phillip Laing, the student who got so drunk that he urinated all over war memorials in Sheffield city centre. Now after this happened the whole country was in shock and talked about Laing in disgust. Ultimatley anyone who has ever gotten that drunk, which im sure many people have, dont really have a leg to stand on (excuse the pun). Ultimatley, if you have gotten so drunk that you dont know what is going on around you, you could have, potentionally, done the exact same 'disgusting' thing. So why then is it acceptable to just condemn this one person. Infact what the British public should be doing is looking at the wider picture and problem. Ultimatley if drinking alcohol was banned all together these cases of drunken vandalism, anti-social behaviour, and road accidents which have lead to death, would be eradictated! I am firmly of the position that drinking alcohol of any amount should be banned, bacause ultimatley drunkenness starts with one sip of a drink!
Below is a link for alcoholics anonymous:

Islamic perspective:

The Islamic opinion and law on the consumption of alcohol is very simple. Alcohol is Haraam (forbidden) in all and any circumstances.
Below is a link for a website which gives such rulings:

Wednesday 21 April 2010


A topic that we did not cover in the lectures, but which springs to mind when talking about being bad is swearing. Swearing is something that everyone has either done themselves, does do or has experienced in some way, shape or form. Swearing in itself is something that alot of people fing vulgar and unnecasery, however, most people do do it! Someone once said to me that swearing is okay as long as its used to emphasise a point and not just for the sake of it! Someone else, however, once said to only people with limited intellect, who cant find any other sophisticated way to articulate their point, feel the need to swear! So...which one is most accurate? Do we need to swear to emphasise a point or is it for the inarticulate people in society, who dont have the brain capacity to make intellegent conversation without using foul language! In all honesty I dont know whether its right or not! The only certain answer i can give, therefore is the islamic perspective:

Quite simply, within the Hanafi madhab (school of thought) swearing is not permissable. The prophet Mohammed (saw) had the best of character and utmost humility when talking to his friends, family and all acquaintances. He (saw) never used foul language and was always able his articluate Himself (saw) in the most polite and intellegent way! As a sunni muslim, i try to strive to follow the prophets (saw) sunnah/example. Therefore, swearing is not something, as a muslim, I should do, in any situation!

Below is a link for sunni path website:

Friday 16 April 2010

Lecture eight-Tattoo's and body modification

The lecture for the subject of body modification was, for me, one of the most uncomfortable, yet interesting ones so far! Although some of the photographs and images shown were a little more graphic than I am used to, the content of the lecture was very interesting. Firstly, we talked about what body modification is and the different types of body modification. When we, in this society, hear the term 'body modification' we think, tattoo's and piercing. Also, images of 'hairy bikers' and 'punks' spring to mind, well for me atleast! But what I found most interesting and infact how narrow minded I found myself to be was what I was most interesting by! What I found from the lecture was that tattoo's and/or body modification are by no means a western and/or modern thing...actually they are quite the contrary! Infact, body modification, in particluar, tattoo's, are an ancient practice in civilisations all around the world! From the historic civilisations of ancient Egypt to the aboriginal people of New Zealand, body moodification has not only been part of the cultural make-up but religion and basic identity of these people! We learned about how the aboriginal people of New zealand, would literally carve into their faces their whole identity and life stories as part of the tribal lifestyles. We then went onto learn about how these practises have been adopted by modern, western people, changed slowly and been made into a fashionable trend. Ultimatley what was most fascinating thing about it is that still for alot of people the idea of body modification is something people dont fully understand and/or excpet, however, when one looks into the history of it more, it can be seen that infact the origins of body modification is part of a rich cultural heritage, and whether you personally like them or not, you must respect thier significance within the history of so many cultures and civilisations!

Below is a link for a online gallery for aboriginal art and tattoo's:

Thursday 15 April 2010

Lecture Seven-Infidelity

The lecture on infidelity, possibly conjued up the highest level of debate and, for me in particular, embarassment, that our 'Being Bad' sessions have seen so far! Whether you call it adultury, cheating or 'doing the dirty', the act of betrayal of a loved one, in the romantic and/or sexual sense of the term, gets people taking! Whether it be discussion about what actually constitutes as infidelity or whether its disagreement about whether or not it is actually as 'bad' as it is generally percieved to be, no-one really seems to agree! Possibly though, what created the most lively part of the lecture was when what adultery means was talked about. Alot of people believed that unless a person actually has sex with another person, whilst in a relationship,the act does not count as infidelity. Many poeple argued that cyber sex, chatting on the internet and even meeting someone face to face without the partners knowledge is not adultery! This to me seems completley ridiculous! Adultery does not have to mean anything sexual at all! Ultimatley when a person is in a relationship, they are in that relationship not just physically but emotionally. So if a person goes 'elsewhere' seeking that romantic attention, whether it just be through conversation or the physical they are still commited adultery in the relationship; becouse what they are gaining from the other person should be being gained only from their partner! But in the lecture just as small scale version of the varying opinions people have towards infidelity were discussed, so who is to say whether there is just one correct view on the subject which proved to be so contraversial!
The link below is for a BBC for sychological test to see if you could be an adulterer:

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Lecture six-Bandits and Outlaws

'One man's outlaw is another's social hero'....When talking about bandits and outlaws, this is the turn of phrase that springs to mind. From Robin hood to Jesse James, we have all heard stories of certain people who lived 'outside of the law' and yet are seen as social heroes. People who commited somehow 'justified' crimes! So where is the distinction between an outlaw and/or bandit and a freedom fighter! Because, ultimatley, when someone commits a crimes, there will always be, no matter how many people disagree, a certain number of people who will always see that person as a criminal and nothing more. And think that whether their intentions where noble or not, is irrelevant. Because the means they used to achieve their aims was unlawful! But once again, like many of the subjets within this module of 'being bad', there is not and cannot be one correct or right answer. Ultimatley, whether you call them bandits or heroes, people who commit crimes for 'noble' means will always contraversy! But, if nothing else, thsese people, who children everywhere are told stories about do entertain the masses, from word of mouth stories to remake films and television shows. So, if nothing else, to them we owe thanks for the pruposes of shere entertainment!!

Below is a link for the official website for the Robin Hood soceity:

Saturday 10 April 2010

Lecture Five-Drugs

When talking about 'bad' behaviour one phrase that springs to mind is "Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll". This turn of phrase was made popular in the twentieth century but the idea of using drugs in paricular to have a 'good' time has been around, dare i say it, since the beginning of time!!! Drugs are said to have been used through-out history, from the ancient egyptian times of Pharoah to modern day life, with the hooded guy stood behing the bushes on the end of a dodgy

street selling 'weed' to bored and disillusioned fifteen year old! The point is, although the subject of drugs is a 'taboo' one drug-use is very common, amongst most societies, in the present and past. So why, is drug use still seen as such a herendous thing! Whether a person 'indulges' in drug-use themselves, and/or whether they condone the act of drug use or not is a little irrelevant! At the end of the day, everyone know's its happening, so why is it still so 'shocking' when talked about or even mentioned??? A question, that i certainly cannot answer in one short blog, but is hopefully food for thought!

Islamic perspective:

The Islamic perspective on drugs and all intoxicants is very simple. All intoxicants are Haraam (forbidden). Mohammad (saw) says in a hadith:

"Every intoxicant is prohibited." [Bukhari]

Below is a link for a website for a drug rehab clinic which aims to help those with a dug abuse problem:

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Lecture four-Masturbation

The fourth lecture in the 'Being Bad' module was on the subject of masturbation. Obviously, within most societies the act of masturbation is seen as an embarrasing and/or shameful thing. However, it is generally acknowledged fact that within most societies it does occur. Even within the media, in televison and cinema in particular, masturbation is not shown very often. When it does occur on our screens though, it is almost always in a comedic way, and as something which the audience can laugh about, at the expense of someone else's embarasment! what we discussed within the lecture was the idea of just how misinterpreted the act of masturbation is within the media. most people, whether they want to admit it o not would agree that masturbation is a very common thing. so why, it is still, even in this age of freedom and liberalness, masturbation is still something which is laughed at when talked about and makes people blush when discussed! Whether this will ever change, however, and ultimatley why it is still the case now is not something I can explain or have the answer to!
Islamic perspective:
The islamic perspective on Masturbation is that it is Haram (forbidden). As a act of sexuality that is commited outside of the marital situation i.e. intercourse with a spouse, and is therefore a futile and unnecaserily act and so cannot and should not be commited, in any situation.

Short and simple response for below is for a website with Islamic perspectives on various topics:

Monday 22 February 2010

Lecture three-Telling lies with integrity

The third lecture as part of the 'Being bad' module was named 'Telling lies with integrity'. This lecture was basically just talking about lying, peoples perception of lying and if lying is ever justifiable and indeed if there is ever integrity in lying. I found that this lecture created the most lively debate of all the sessions so far. Generally, lying, within most societies, is seen as a negative thing. However there was a general consensus amongst the group that lying was acceptable if it was done to help someone, or just done, genuinley in someone else's interest. What was seen as a worst thing, was when an indivudual lied simply for their own gain, at the expense of others. The subject which seemed to create the most contraversy in the group was the topic of lying within politics. It is a generally acknowledged truth that politicians lie! When this was talked about in the group many people argued that lying was unjustified, especially when it came to politics. Alot of people argued that politcians should not lie to citizens the way they do and the fact that they are in a position of authority, which makes it quite easy for their lies to be believed, made it even worse when politicians lie!!

In my opinion, in the so-called 'democratic' society that we live in , citizens need to be lied to. In a society where people are socialised, from childhood, into thinking the world works in a certain way, by the state, it would be completley irrational for politicians, who are prime figures in the state, to then tell the whole truth about everything. Ultimatley politics is a very complicated institution. An institution that very few average people within the population really understand. So surely, it would be much simplier for politicians to just lie to citizens who would propbably not actually understand if they were told the whole truth about political issues anyway. Sure, it maybe argued that most people, whether they understand politics or not, would appreciate the gesture of politicians telling the truth but I believe that on the whole people are lied to to protect themselves. The prime example of this which springs to mind is the war in Iraq. When the USA waged war agianst Iraq in the name of democracy and emancipation of a oppressed country led by a sadistic dictator, the citizens of the USA and UK were painted a picture of the heroic west looking to free a country who needed saving! In my opinion, the USA used the arguement of 'war on terror' and emancipation of an oppressed state to provoke a reaction of support for their actions, in concerns to Iraq. If politicians had told the whole truth and talked about their own gains from the Iraq, namely the huge oil supply which Iraq was sitting on, that certain western countries were despecrate to get, citizens would have been much less willing to support their countries in the patriotic fashion which they did. Even if the citizens of the USA and UK had known the complete truth, the government probably still would have sent their armies into Iraq anyway, and this is where my arguement about lying is based. Ultimatley, in my opinion, whether citizens supported the war or not the goverments would have invaded, so it was much more easy to just lie. This not only kept citziens happy and supportive of their contries, but also meant the invasion was alot easier ie with the backing of the patriotic civilains. Therefore, it was needed to lie to the public, so that the public could, in their blissfull ignorence sleep peacefuly at night, in the knowledge that their heroic country was freeing a oppressed society on the other side of the globe. More importantly though, politicians could sleep just as peacefully knowing their corrupt decisions and hidden agenda's were being supported by loyal civilians, and so they were not going to get caught for their crimes. So ultimatley, everyone won, yes some were lied to but maybe those lies were much more easy to swallow that the harsh truth. Others, namely politicans and governments, everyone wins, well not the iraqi citizens...but then again, do they even matter?; afterall, british politicians dont have to directly deal with them obviously not!

Lecture two-Bad Behaviour

In the second lecture we looked at three different acts which are considered 'bad behaviour'. The first was shoplifting, the second, prostitution and the last was stalking. I enjoyed the lecture as the style of the lecture was more informal, than previous ones and there was more student participation to the debate on the three areas of 'bad behaviour'. We looked at video clips of popular film and television series on the three topics and then shared our views on each of the topics. Some of the views that were expressed were similar to my own, however some were completley different to my views, I think this shows just how subjective the idea of bad behaviour is and how being 'bad' really does depend on the individual and the enviroment they have come from. Two people who seem to have alot in common, or who seem to be from similar lifestyles can easily have completley contrasting views on morality, values and indeed 'bad behaviour'. Below is a link of a website dedicated to helping survivors of stalking:

Wednesday 17 February 2010

lecture one-Smoking

During the first lecture, we talked about the arguments against smoking and the arguements for the freedom to smoke. Firstly, we looked at the statistics, frequently used on television and in classrooms, about the health hazards of smoking. We then went onto looking at the two arguments about smoking and some of the groups set up in the U.K, which campaign either for or against smoking. We then looked at smoking in the media and in entertainment, eg films, television etc. From the presentation I realised just how influencial smoking is to people's lives, especially in the media...and how smoking is used in films etc to reinforce a stereotype. Learning this I have realised just how influential and contraversial smoking is. Therefore, the smoking debate will undoubtedly go on for years to come, but whether it will ever be resolved is questionable.

This is a site dedicated to helping smokers quit:

Islamic perspective:

As a muslim I feel it is important to include the islamic perspective on each of the topics. Obviously, we are studying 'bad' behaviour by the standard of the non-muslim society we live in. However, I will also be including the islamic ruling and perspective of some of the topics, if nothing else, simply as an alternative and personal view, for myself, that hopefully fellow students will find interesting as an opinion from a different cultural and religious perspective (Insha'Allah).

In the Khanafi madhab (school of thought), which I personally belong to, the general consensus on smoking is that it falls under the legal category on Mukruh Tahrimi (highest level of mukruh/disliked act) ie should be avoided at all costs. Earlier scholars, however, have said that because there was no proof for the direct health issues of smoking, it was mubah (permissable, not disliked or advised, ie neutral). However, with the increase of scientific reasearch and proof on the adverse effects of smoking and tabocco on one's health, modern day ulama (scholars/theologians) have decided on a much more serious legal ruling. When an act is said to be Mukruh Tahrimi, although not acknowlegded as expicitly Haraam (forbidden, as quoted in the Qur'an and Sunnah (example of the final messenger of Islam; Mohammed (saw)) it is still seen as an act which can be sinful if commited purposely ie intentionally and repeatedly.

The link below is for a sunni (largest muslim sect) website which answers some questions on islamic rulings on various topics:

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Ameena Yaqoub

I agree ameena, your a legend!

Thursday 11 February 2010

Field Visit

I think that the group should go to Holland, for no other reason than its what Mehwish suggested (randomly). Also it was pointed out to me that Holland is possibly the most appropriate place to go to study 'being bad'. In the place where prostitution and drugs are legal, it would be intereting to see how a society like this works and justifies acts, which are, in the society we live, seen as so immoral, and indeed 'bad'! Below is a link of a company where the class could book their flights: