Friday 30 April 2010


Whether you're black, asian, white or anything else, you will have been in a situation involving racism. Whether that be watching a television show that tried to tackle the issue or you have been directly involved as a victim or a culprit. Ultimately, we have been socalised and taught in this partcular society that racism, of any kind, is wrong! To judge a person because of the colour of their skin or ethnic background is wrong. I am well aware that this fact has probably been said to you a thousand times before, and the vast majority of people (if anyone at all even reads this) would never think to call anyone a racist name anyway. But for those who do, let me paint you a picture. A good friend of mine was once walking down the road that we have lived on al our lives, and some biggoted person decided to wind the window down of ther car and shout 'paki' and through an egg at her!!! Now, me and ths particluar friend can laugh at this, but at the time it was a really shocking experiance! But technically all people have a ethnicity, so if that person went to pakistan for example, where they were then the minority, would it be okay for the majority pakstani's to treat them in that way? Well no, ofcourse not! My point is basically that we are all the minority race somewhere in the world. And who knows, maybe one day you'll end up there, so if you would not condone it if it happened to you, please dont condone it in any other situaton!
Below is a link for a website to a campaign which aims to eliminate racism, through music:

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