Wednesday 28 April 2010

Cosmetic Surgery

This may seem like quite a strange thing for me to write a blog about (and admittedly, I was struggling to find topics to discuss) but I think that although cosmetic surgery is accepted in society, it is still something that is seen as strange or even 'bad'. We have all seen women and men in the media who have obviously had plastic surgery. From Katie Price to Madonna, celebrities are constantly aiming to look perfect. This obsession with 'perfection' has filtered down to the masses now though. It is becoming more and more acceptable and normal for people to be getting cosmetic surgery done in the pursuit to look perfect. From tummy tucks to casual botox, people want to look better for longer and are willing to go under the knife to achieve this aim! But why? Why have we become so obsessed with the physical body? Why have we begun to think it more important to look good then maintain our health; as some of these operations, that people have done are seriously risky!!! Natural beauty has become unfashionable, whereas having a trout pout and perfectly perky cleavage at the age of 70 is now the norm! I am not saying there is anything neccaserily wrong with cosmetic surgery itself. But surely, we as a society, need to draw the line somewhere! And realise that the pursuit of perfection is a futile one, as perfection is NOT real. So, lets embrace our 'flaws' for what they really are; the things that make us human!!!
Below is a link for a medical group which offer cosmetic sugery procedures for anyone thinking of it, but I urge you; keep it simple!!!

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