Thursday 29 April 2010

Wearing the Veil

The veil, or Niqaab, is probably one of the most contraversial subjects in this society in terms of womens rights. Many people, have argued that the Niqaab is a symbol of oppression and a means for muslim men to oppress and control the sexuality of muslim women! Amongst these protestors against the viel, is most famously, Cherry Blair, wife of the former prime-minister Tony Blair. However, to all those people who want to argue about and judge muslim women as oppressd, all I have to say is that if you want to find an oppressed women, look a little closer to home! Is a women oppressed because she wants to be heard for her mind and intellect and not just used as something to be stared at because of her beauty and body? Was it not the rights for a women not just to be an object of physical desire that women campaigned so endlessly for in this very country nearly a hundred years ago! So why then has this society reverted back to wanting women just to be seen and not heard. To be 'appreciated' for the physical instead of internal! And then why is that when a women wants to actively protest and cover herself up, so she is heard and not just seen, she is attacked, and seen as oppressed! Is it freedom for women to only be taken seriously when they are half nacked? Because I certainly dont think so! Ultimately, it is only when a women is covered and her sexuality hidden away that she will be taken seriosuly, as an academic and intellectual equal! So, in essence, what I am saying is not that everyone should wear a veil, ofcourse not, considering I dont even wear one myself! But just that we should remember the struggles that women went through in the past, so women could be heard and not just seen. And just have a little self respect and belief in themselves that they can use their minds not their bodies to acheive whatever they want in this world! And, dont judge people, for wanted to be heard and not seen!

Below is a link for an article about the veil ban in Belgium: which is a TOTAL violation of human rights!

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