Wednesday 14 April 2010

Lecture six-Bandits and Outlaws

'One man's outlaw is another's social hero'....When talking about bandits and outlaws, this is the turn of phrase that springs to mind. From Robin hood to Jesse James, we have all heard stories of certain people who lived 'outside of the law' and yet are seen as social heroes. People who commited somehow 'justified' crimes! So where is the distinction between an outlaw and/or bandit and a freedom fighter! Because, ultimatley, when someone commits a crimes, there will always be, no matter how many people disagree, a certain number of people who will always see that person as a criminal and nothing more. And think that whether their intentions where noble or not, is irrelevant. Because the means they used to achieve their aims was unlawful! But once again, like many of the subjets within this module of 'being bad', there is not and cannot be one correct or right answer. Ultimatley, whether you call them bandits or heroes, people who commit crimes for 'noble' means will always contraversy! But, if nothing else, thsese people, who children everywhere are told stories about do entertain the masses, from word of mouth stories to remake films and television shows. So, if nothing else, to them we owe thanks for the pruposes of shere entertainment!!

Below is a link for the official website for the Robin Hood soceity:

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