Monday 22 February 2010

Lecture two-Bad Behaviour

In the second lecture we looked at three different acts which are considered 'bad behaviour'. The first was shoplifting, the second, prostitution and the last was stalking. I enjoyed the lecture as the style of the lecture was more informal, than previous ones and there was more student participation to the debate on the three areas of 'bad behaviour'. We looked at video clips of popular film and television series on the three topics and then shared our views on each of the topics. Some of the views that were expressed were similar to my own, however some were completley different to my views, I think this shows just how subjective the idea of bad behaviour is and how being 'bad' really does depend on the individual and the enviroment they have come from. Two people who seem to have alot in common, or who seem to be from similar lifestyles can easily have completley contrasting views on morality, values and indeed 'bad behaviour'. Below is a link of a website dedicated to helping survivors of stalking:


  1. I am with you,i like the style of your blog and i agree with you.

  2. me too! Very interesting... Keep them up!
