Thursday 15 April 2010

Lecture Seven-Infidelity

The lecture on infidelity, possibly conjued up the highest level of debate and, for me in particular, embarassment, that our 'Being Bad' sessions have seen so far! Whether you call it adultury, cheating or 'doing the dirty', the act of betrayal of a loved one, in the romantic and/or sexual sense of the term, gets people taking! Whether it be discussion about what actually constitutes as infidelity or whether its disagreement about whether or not it is actually as 'bad' as it is generally percieved to be, no-one really seems to agree! Possibly though, what created the most lively part of the lecture was when what adultery means was talked about. Alot of people believed that unless a person actually has sex with another person, whilst in a relationship,the act does not count as infidelity. Many poeple argued that cyber sex, chatting on the internet and even meeting someone face to face without the partners knowledge is not adultery! This to me seems completley ridiculous! Adultery does not have to mean anything sexual at all! Ultimatley when a person is in a relationship, they are in that relationship not just physically but emotionally. So if a person goes 'elsewhere' seeking that romantic attention, whether it just be through conversation or the physical they are still commited adultery in the relationship; becouse what they are gaining from the other person should be being gained only from their partner! But in the lecture just as small scale version of the varying opinions people have towards infidelity were discussed, so who is to say whether there is just one correct view on the subject which proved to be so contraversial!
The link below is for a BBC for sychological test to see if you could be an adulterer:

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