Wednesday 21 April 2010


A topic that we did not cover in the lectures, but which springs to mind when talking about being bad is swearing. Swearing is something that everyone has either done themselves, does do or has experienced in some way, shape or form. Swearing in itself is something that alot of people fing vulgar and unnecasery, however, most people do do it! Someone once said to me that swearing is okay as long as its used to emphasise a point and not just for the sake of it! Someone else, however, once said to only people with limited intellect, who cant find any other sophisticated way to articulate their point, feel the need to swear! So...which one is most accurate? Do we need to swear to emphasise a point or is it for the inarticulate people in society, who dont have the brain capacity to make intellegent conversation without using foul language! In all honesty I dont know whether its right or not! The only certain answer i can give, therefore is the islamic perspective:

Quite simply, within the Hanafi madhab (school of thought) swearing is not permissable. The prophet Mohammed (saw) had the best of character and utmost humility when talking to his friends, family and all acquaintances. He (saw) never used foul language and was always able his articluate Himself (saw) in the most polite and intellegent way! As a sunni muslim, i try to strive to follow the prophets (saw) sunnah/example. Therefore, swearing is not something, as a muslim, I should do, in any situation!

Below is a link for sunni path website:

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