Saturday 1 May 2010


Whether it be buying a lottery scratch card, playing a friendly game of poker with friends or places a bet on the horse races, we see gambling everywhere. Now most people, will not even consider gambling as 'bad' behaviour. But, in my opinion, which you may or may not have noticed can be quite 'old-fashioned', I think something that can cause addiction is not just 'bad' but wrong! Anyone can get invloved with gambling, like previously stating it can start with just buying a scratch card with your cigerettes, but like any other addiction can spiral out of control, until you're left bankrupt! Now I understand that was quite a big leap, but my point is that why would you do something that could even just potentially ruin your life! And my arguement against gambling does not just end at the potential of addiction, but just how irrational the idea of gambling actually is. Looking at the example of lottery tickets, what is the chance of actually winning the lottery....14000000 to 1!!!! Now, if everyone has even just a £1 to spare every week for the lottery that you just are not going to win, why not save it and buy something usefull! At least that way you are guaranteed to gain at the end of it! So, basically, gambling is a waste of money and effort!
Below is a link for an online gambling site, if you want to disregard everything I have just written about:

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