Tuesday 23 March 2010

Lecture four-Masturbation

The fourth lecture in the 'Being Bad' module was on the subject of masturbation. Obviously, within most societies the act of masturbation is seen as an embarrasing and/or shameful thing. However, it is generally acknowledged fact that within most societies it does occur. Even within the media, in televison and cinema in particular, masturbation is not shown very often. When it does occur on our screens though, it is almost always in a comedic way, and as something which the audience can laugh about, at the expense of someone else's embarasment! what we discussed within the lecture was the idea of just how misinterpreted the act of masturbation is within the media. most people, whether they want to admit it o not would agree that masturbation is a very common thing. so why, it is still, even in this age of freedom and liberalness, masturbation is still something which is laughed at when talked about and makes people blush when discussed! Whether this will ever change, however, and ultimatley why it is still the case now is not something I can explain or have the answer to!
Islamic perspective:
The islamic perspective on Masturbation is that it is Haram (forbidden). As a act of sexuality that is commited outside of the marital situation i.e. intercourse with a spouse, and is therefore a futile and unnecaserily act and so cannot and should not be commited, in any situation.

Short and simple response for once....link below is for a website with Islamic perspectives on various topics:

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