Saturday 10 April 2010

Lecture Five-Drugs

When talking about 'bad' behaviour one phrase that springs to mind is "Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll". This turn of phrase was made popular in the twentieth century but the idea of using drugs in paricular to have a 'good' time has been around, dare i say it, since the beginning of time!!! Drugs are said to have been used through-out history, from the ancient egyptian times of Pharoah to modern day life, with the hooded guy stood behing the bushes on the end of a dodgy

street selling 'weed' to bored and disillusioned fifteen year old! The point is, although the subject of drugs is a 'taboo' one drug-use is very common, amongst most societies, in the present and past. So why, is drug use still seen as such a herendous thing! Whether a person 'indulges' in drug-use themselves, and/or whether they condone the act of drug use or not is a little irrelevant! At the end of the day, everyone know's its happening, so why is it still so 'shocking' when talked about or even mentioned??? A question, that i certainly cannot answer in one short blog, but is hopefully food for thought!

Islamic perspective:

The Islamic perspective on drugs and all intoxicants is very simple. All intoxicants are Haraam (forbidden). Mohammad (saw) says in a hadith:

"Every intoxicant is prohibited." [Bukhari]

Below is a link for a website for a drug rehab clinic which aims to help those with a dug abuse problem:

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